Who We Are

Hello everyone, we are Alberto and Ornella, and we want to briefly share our story with you.

We come from experiences that have nothing to do with agriculture and hospitality – I have been and still am a manager and entrepreneur of industrial companies, Ornella is a tax consultant – and we have a great passion for travel. We have traveled extensively, all over the world, discovering contexts and places far from our own and meeting extraordinary people who, born in disadvantaged countries, live joyfully and with dignity despite having little.

In early 2019, after returning from Danakil, we decided to do something to give back a part of what we have been fortunate to receive.

After considering the idea of moving abroad (to India or Africa), we chose Italy, our places of origin, convinced that much can also be done here.

Where do the funds for this project come from? From the sale of companies and activities that we have created and/or enhanced over the course of our working lives. We have no profit motive, as we have enough to live on through our work, but only one goal: to build a project, an ecosystem, that can provide job opportunities and social redemption to those less fortunate than us.

While the social purpose is the predominant one, our hope is that you choose “Il Viaggio” for the beauty of the setting, its excellent offerings, and the atmosphere of serenity, respect, and inclusivity that sets it apart. To be part of a project that “does good and makes you feel good


Photo Gallery

For those curious to see some photos of our travels, you can check out the gallery..