Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the website management policies in reference to the processing of personal visitors data. This is an informative provided pursuant to section. 13 and 14 of D.Lgv.2016/679 Code on protection of personal data of the users who connect to site and to the related pages. This Privacy Policy is provided only for this website and not for the external sites that can be accessed through our links. A Follow-Site Consultation thereto, may be identifiable Personal data handled.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller is Il Viaggio Srl Impresa Sociale, with headquarters in Via Nastrucci 23 – Piacenza – ( PC ).

Type of data handled

Navigation Data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during normal operation, some personal data that is implicitly transmitted in the use of internet communication protocols. These are data relating to telematic traffic which by their nature cannot be immediately associated with identified interested parties, but through processing or association with data held by third parties could allow users/visitors of the site to be identified (e.g. IP addresses). These data are used only for anonymous statistical information relating to visits to the site or to verify its correct functionality.

Data provided by Users

If customers intend to request information, or access the services offered on the site, they will have to fill in a “form” in which they will release their express consent to the processing of data. Users are free to provide their personal data but failure to provide it may make it impossible to obtain the requested service.

Information security

All information collected on the site is stored and maintained in secure facilities that limit access to authorized personnel only. The website is checked regularly to check for any security breaches, and to ensure that all information collected is safe from unauthorized viewing. Il Viaggio Srl Social Enterprise complies with all the security measures described by the applicable laws and regulations, and with all the appropriate measures according to the currently most avant-garde criteria, to ensure and guarantee the confidentiality of users’ personal data, and minimize minimum, as far as possible, the dangers posed by unauthorized access, removal, loss or damage to personal data of users. UE 2016/679: Artt. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Right to Access Personal Data and Other Rights

1. You have the right to obtain confirmation or Less Personal Data That concern him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form. 2. You have the right to obtain the indication: a) Origin of personal data; b) the purposes and modalities of the treatment; c) the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of instruments ELECTRONIC; d) the identity of the owner Extremes, data processors and the designated representative under Article 5, paragraph 2; e) subjects or categories of subjects to What Personal Information may be disclosed or What may come to knowledge in quality of representative designated in the State, managers or agents. 3. You have the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; b) the cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or block of data handled in violation of the law, including data that does not need to be kept for the purposes for Which the Data Collected sono stati or subsequently treaties; c) the declaration that the operations in letters a) and b) have been Bring a knowledge, even for what concerns their content, of those to Which the Data sono stati communicated or distributed, except in the case narrative fulfillment it reveals impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. 4. You have the right to object, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons to the Processing of Personal Data That concern him, even if pertinent to the collection purpose; b) the processing of Personal Information What concerns you Fini of Promotional items Enter or direct selling or for carrying out market or commercial communication research.

Purpose of data processing

According to the needs expressed from time to time by the user who accesses the various sections of the Site (and except for special rules and information for individual operations that involve the provision of specific personal data), the purposes of the processing of personal data are indicated below, i.e. those conferred directly by users by filling in online forms or those acquired automatically by browsing: a) supply and manage the various services offered; as well as allow registration on the Site and to provide and manage the various services offered; b) allow users to publish Contributions directly on the Site, or on sites managed independently by third parties with which agreements may have been reached in this sense, such as, by way of example but not limited to, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. .; the publication of the Contributions could also take place together with a pseudonym (“nickname”) chosen by the user during registration on the Site, and possibly with the image associated by the user with his own nickname for which: i) the user will be exclusively responsible for any choice that harms the interests of third parties; ii) the user is not required to use personal data that allow his identification to third parties but the user, through the site, could also disclose his personal data if he has inserted them in his nickname, as well as the photo that he has possibly associated with the own profile. c) subject to the user’s consent and until revoked, carry out marketing activities such as sending promotional and advertising material, also by e-mail, mms and text messages; e) respond to user requests in relation to products offered, advertising, or the Site; f) subject to the user’s consent, and until the revocation of the same, to carry out comparison and combination activities, for the purpose of statistical profiling, of the user’s personal data. User registration on the Site is not required for the provision of some services offered. However, in order to process any requests from users regarding these services, they will be invited to provide personal data, which will be processed only for the related purposes and for the time strictly necessary.

Methods of Data Processing

Personal Data will be processed through the operations of collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. The Personal Data will be processed in a mainly automated but also paper form, with logic strictly related to the aforementioned purposes, through the Databases, the electronic platforms managed by the Data Controller or by third parties appointed for this purpose as data processors and/or integrated IT systems

Place of data processing

Personal Data is mainly processed at the headquarters of the Data Controller and in the places where the Data Processors are located. For more information, contact the Owner.

Time of processing and storage of data

The Data Controller will process the Personal Data for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which the personal data are processed, or for a longer period, for purposes permitted by law, and in any case canceled without unjustified delay. The user can at any time request the cancellation of his account or his registration on the Site or request the interruption of treatment or revoke his consent, according to the methods indicated in this document.

Nature and methods of providing users’ Personal Data

The provision of personal data is optional, but for some personal data the provision is mandatory (i.e. necessary for those data whose fields are marked with an asterisk or otherwise marked as mandatory) so that it is possible to meet the user’s needs in the context of functionality of the Site. The missing, partial or incorrect provision of Personal Data marked with an asterisk, as necessary for the execution of the requested service, does not make such execution possible; while the missing, partial or incorrect provision of optional Personal Data does not entail any consequences.

Categories of Personal Data being processed

In addition to the Personal Data provided directly by users (such as name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, password, age, date of birth, gender, image, profession, marital status, etc.), when connecting to the Site, the computer systems and the software procedures used to operate the Site itself administer and/or automatically and indirectly acquire certain information that could constitute personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols (such as, by way of example but non-exhaustive, the so-called “cookies” (as better specified below), “IP” addresses, domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in “Url” notation of the requested resources, the time of request to the server, navigation on the Site).

Categories of subjects who may become aware of users’ Personal Data

Personal Data may be brought to the attention of employees or collaborators of the Data Controller who, operating under the direct authority of the latter, process data and are appointed internal managers or persons in charge of processing pursuant to articles 29 and 30 of the Code or system administrators and who will receive adequate operating instructions from the Data Controller; the same will happen – by the Managers appointed by the Data Controller – towards the employees or collaborators of the Managers. Scope of communication or dissemination of users’ Personal Data Personal Data will not be communicated to third parties, nor disseminated, except in the latter case the hypothesis in which the user has entered personal data during the publication of content such as comments, articles, editorial contributions, etc. Transfer of users’ Personal Data outside the EU Personal Data may be transferred outside the EU to be stored on the servers of the electronic platforms (e.g. Google). The transfer is carried out after stipulating Standard Contractual Clauses with the providers of servers and/or services entrusted to third parties, or verification of the registration of the Data Processing Manager within the system called “Privacy Shield”.


The Sites contains virtually no information intended directly for minors. Minors must not provide information or personal data without the consent of those exercising parental responsibility over them. Therefore, we invite all those who exercise parental responsibility over minors to inform them about the safe and responsible use of the Internet and the Web.

How to exercise the rights and to know the list of data processors

The user may, at any time, exercise the rights pursuant to art. 7 of the Code by sending an e-mail message or a letter to be sent by ordinary mail to the Data Controller. Furthermore, if you have consented, the user may oppose the processing carried out using the user’s e-mail address, by explicit request to the Data Controller, or by clicking on the cancellation link in the commercial information.

Assignment of rights on the Contributions and consent to the use of the image

By registering on the Site, the user: A) declares that: i) all rights to the Contributions that he publishes on the Site when participating in the Initiative belong to the user, who remains solely responsible for any damage or action that the company possibly be subjected to due to the publication of the Contributions; ii) the Contributions posted by the user do not contain material that could hinder its publication, e.g. obscene, racist, defamatory, blasphemous, and are original, i.e. they do not violate the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties, nor any copyright, trademark, distinctive sign, patent, etc.; B) authorizes to carry out a possible admissibility check on the Contributions, with the aim of excluding those that contain material that can be considered harmful to decorum, personal dignity or that are offensive, defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive or that incite hatred, violence or dangerous behavior or that attempt or incite to contravene laws or regulations; C) transfers to the Owner, free of charge and definitively, every right to publish and use the Contributions for commercial purposes relating to its products, on the websites owned by Il Viaggio Srl Impresa Sociale and/or by third parties, as well as on its own commercial products or on any other medium (even in the modified and/or adapted and/or figurative form), without limits of time and space and without any opposition, for reproduction, publication and diffusion and for communication or execution through any means deemed appropriate or necessary such as, purely by way of example, TV, press, billboards, cinema, books, the Internet and in any other form or means of transmission, or execution, existing or of future invention; D) gives consent for the use of one’s published image possibly conferred and/or published contributions (in any of the contexts referred to in point C) above), and for the entire duration of the Site, pursuant to art. 96 of the copyright law.


In order to make its services as efficient and easy to use as possible, this site uses cookies. Therefore, when you visit the Site, a minimum amount of information is entered into the User’s device, such as small text files called “cookies”, which are saved in the User’s Web browser directory. There are different types of cookies, but basically the main purpose of a cookie is to make the site work more effectively and to enable certain features. Cookies are used to improve the overall navigation of the User. In particular: • They allow you to navigate efficiently from one page of the website to another. • They allow you to avoid entering the same information (such as username and password) several times during the visit. • They measure the use of the services by Users, to optimize the browsing experience and the services themselves. There are various types of cookies. Below are the types of cookies that can be used on the Site with a description of the purpose linked to their use.

Technical cookies Cookies of this type are necessary for the correct functioning of some areas of the site. They are of two categories: persistent and session: persistent: once the browser is closed they are not destroyed but remain up to a preset expiration date sessions: they are destroyed every time the browser is closed In the absence of these cookies, the site or some portions of it may not work properly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of user preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain.

Analytical cookies Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the site. The Owner uses this information for statistical analyses, to improve the site and simplify its use, as well as to monitor its correct functioning. This type of cookie collects anonymous information about user activity on the site and how they arrived at the site and the pages visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Third-party tracking cookies Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the website by visitors, the keywords used to reach the site and the websites visited. The owner can use this information to compile reports and improve the Site. Cookies collect information anonymously. Cookies of this type are sent from the Site itself or from third-party domains.

Cookies for integrating third-party functions Cookies of this type are used to integrate third-party functions into the Site (for example, comment forms or social network icons that allow visitors to share site content). Cookies in this category can be sent from the domains of partner sites or that in any case offer the functions present on the site. The Owner is not required to request the user’s consent for technical cookies, since these are strictly necessary for the provision of the service. For other types of cookies, consent can be expressed by the User, in accordance with current legislation, through specific configurations of the browser and computer programs or devices that are easy and clear to use for the User. The Owner reminds the User that it is possible to change the cookie preferences at any time. It is also possible to disable cookies from the browser at any time, but this operation could prevent the User from using some parts of the Site.

Third Party Websites The site contains links to other websites that have their own privacy policy. These privacy policies may be different from the one adopted by the Owner, who therefore is not responsible for third-party sites. Pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the consent to the use of these cookies is expressed by the interested party through the individual setting that he has freely chosen for the browser used for browsing the site, without prejudice to the user’s right to communicate at any time to the Data Controller your will regarding data managed through cookies that the browser itself has accepted.

Disabling (“opt-out”) for cookies:

The rules on the protection of personal data provide that the user can authorize the use of cookies (“opt-in”) by continuing to browse after reading the window with the notice relating to the use of cookies. The user can also disable cookies already administered (“opt-out”). The opt-out is foreseen for the CDs. “technical cookies” (art. 122 of the Code), as well as for cookies that are not included among the “technical cookies” (“targeting cookies” and “analytics cookies”) previously accepted (“opt in”) by the user. By virtue of this distinction, the user can proceed with the disabling and/or cancellation of cookies (“opt-out”) through the relative settings of his browser and with the disabling and/or cancellation of individual non-“technical” cookies by accessing the following sites:, website managed by European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), for the cancellation of other cookies in the case of users based in the European Union,, for the cancellation of other cookies in the case of users residing in the United States of America. These sites are not managed by the Owner, who therefore assumes no responsibility in relation to the respective contents.

How to disable cookies by configuring your browser


Run Chrome Browser. Click on the menu in the browser toolbar next to the url entry window for navigation. Select Settings. Click Show Advanced Settings. In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings” button. In the “Cookies” section, you can change the following cookie settings:

  • Allow saving data locally
  • Change local data only until browser is closed
  • Block sites from setting cookies
  • Block third-party cookies and site data
  • Manage exceptions for some websites
  • Deleting one or all cookies

For more information, visit the dedicated page.

Mozilla Firefox

Run the Mozilla Firefox Browser. Click on the menu in the browser toolbar next to the url entry window for navigation. Select Options. Select the Privacy panel. Click Show Advanced Settings. In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings” button. In the “Tracking” section it is possible to change the following cookie settings:

  • Request sites not to track you
  • Informs sites of availability to be tracked
  • Do not communicate any preferences regarding the tracking of personal data

From the “Chronology” section it is possible: By enabling “Use custom settings” select to accept third-party cookies (always, from the most visited sites or never) and to keep them for a specific period (until their expire, when you close Firefox or ask each time) >Remove individual stored cookies For more information, visit the dedicated page.

Internet Explorer

Run the Internet Explorer Browser. Click the Tools button and choose Internet Options. Click on the Privacy tab and in the Settings section change the slider according to the desired action for the cookies:

  • Block all cookies
  • Allow all cookies
  • Selection of the sites from which to obtain cookies: move the cursor to an intermediate position so as not to block or allow all cookies, then press on Sites, in the Web Site Address box enter an internet site and then press on Block or Allow

For more information, visit the dedicated page.

Safari 6

Run the Safari Browser. Click on Safari, select Preferences and press on Privacy. In the Block Cookies section, specify how Safari must accept cookies from websites. To view which sites have stored cookies, click on Details For more information, visit the dedicated page. iOS Safari (mobile devices) Run the Safari Browser iOS. Tap on Settings and then Safari > Tap on Block Cookies and choose from the various options: “Never”, “Third-party and advertisers” or “Always” To delete all cookies stored by Safari, tap on Settings, then on Safari and finally on Delete cookies and data For more information, visit the dedicated page. Opera Run the Opera Browser. Click on Preferences then on Advanced and finally on Cookies. Select one of the following options:

  • Accept all cookies
  • Accept cookies only from the site you are visiting: third-party cookies and cookies that are sent from a domain other than the one you are visiting will be rejected
  • Never accept cookies: all cookies will never be saved

For more information, visit the dedicated page.


This site can make use of statistical analysis tools that can use cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on the user’s computer to allow for analysis of how users use the site. The information generated during the use of the site by the User will be stored in secure form on the server hosting the site. The statistical analysis tools will use this information to analyze the use of the Site by the user, to draw up reports on the activities of visiting and browsing the Site and to provide further services to the manager of this Site related to the use of the Site and of the resources contained therein, in order to improve the visitor experience on the basis of the information collected. The statistical analysis tools will use the IP address transmitted by the user’s browser for analysis purposes only (punctual and aggregate), for the preparation of statistical reports and for the analysis of navigation on the site. By using the site, the user consents to the analysis of his browsing activities on the site itself and to the storage of his IP address, in order to prepare timely and aggregated statistical reports to support the improvement process of the site itself and the Visitor experience . The user can prevent the storage of cookies by changing the settings of his browser software but this could make the functions of the Site less personalized based on the user’s preferences.

This page is visible, via the link at the bottom of all pages of the Site pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and following the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette n.126 of 3 June 2014 and related register of measures n.229 of 8 May 2014.

To contact us

Requests must be addressed to Il Viaggio Srl Impresa Sociale, with headquarters in Via Nastrucci 23 – Piacenza (PC).
